Kings, Queens and Missionaries in the Making
Last Sunday was fun of all fun days.
We have with us a tote bag made by Val’s mom that has at times been crammed
with camping and other paraphernalia.
The tote bag is orange, at top. It was filled with white and brown towels--the sheep. Then, below are outfits for King Mosiah, King Lamoni, Ammon, and Queen Lamoni, respectively :) |
Sunday, it was overflowing with costumes from our closet for Primary to
outfit Ammon, King Lamoni, Lamoni’s wife, sheep and some thieving “scatterers
of sheep.” Each of the eight four year
olds received a mission call: “Hermana Garcia,
you have been called by the prophet on a mission, do you accept?” “Yes!” With near to life plaquetas or name tags, the
children marching about the room to “Armies of Helaman.”
Our half of the multipurpose room contains the
only keyboard which complements the chapel’s sole piano (no organ here. And we figure, it is easier to not have
accompaniment, because when the pitch gets high you can change keys as you like!) Friday, Sister Garcia, stopped in the hall to say some nice words
about “You are “flying” with your Spanish.” (After working hard at
understanding why she was using the word flying or volando--I mean Val knows
that word but as many angels as work there, it is the first time I have heard
that word there--also trying really hard this week not to want to fly home and
appreciate family gatherings) I listened to her rave about her daughter was in
the four year old Haz lo Justo or Choose the Right class who was “fascinated”
by the dress ups and learning through acting. A huge Costco-like cake had been passed out and cleaned up
just prior to the 10 minutes we had left for our lesson, with inches of icing
and puddles of punch mixed with children’s suit coats, ties, and Sunday
dress. All this, after singing a monkey song about a little monkey who eats so many mangoes that
his stomach explodes--Kristen, Zach and
children in Spencer ward nursery, you do not know what you are missing!
and Sister Ocampo’s four grandchildren who live in our neighborhood knocked
enthusiastically at my door Sunday. Three
year old Nefi (pronounced Nef EE) has adopted me already because I have bubbles--burbujas
and balls--pelotas, but this time he brought his brother and two sisters..
What he had not experienced was play dough, the “plastilina” which I
had made out of whole wheat flour—my only stash of flour—with no color…Pioneer
play dough!
Looking up from molding snakes and dinosaurs, I could see four children creating their own little Central American temple |
I am grateful, for capturing a slice of childhood that I am missing elsewhere, and it truly is a picture of heaven--I can understand a little more why the Savior would say, "Let the little children come unto me." I want to be the bright light that attracts such beautiful butterflies, so transient, touchable and wise in their own way. I was apologizing to the 11 year old oldest sister, who had just been extolling the virtues of her mother (who can play the flute, the violin, the viola, and can sew and knit) for such a mess to their Sunday clothes. "Oh my mom will not worry. She has so many problems that are bigger than this," and then proceeded to show me the rip in the lace of her slip and tell me about how a person helping in their home had burnt something important. "No worries." In essence, flour and water wash off. "And hasn't this been fun?" My funnest part was listening to them sing in English "Families Can Be Together Forever." They decided they were going to teach it to me in Spanish. They would sing a line and then the oldest sister and the Raquel would militantly say “otra vez” (“again”) after which we would obediently comply. It reminded me of playing Ring around the Rosy with William--three times is never enough! Super funny, and a great way to soak up a song!
This hour came was balm
to the missing of grandchildren and I plan to answer the next frantic Sunday
knock on the door, especially if it reveals this kind of enchanting amusement.
This sculpture by Jesus Zelaya, was captured on our latest outing to the National Gallery of Art My latest version of "Let the little children come to me!" |
Val wants to write
about waffle night: 7/21/2013
We introduced the
food by saying that is what the Starkey's do for a fiesta.
We then had a joint
discussion of each of the 14 people, each expressing a testimony of
how a symbol has helped to [lift] their
My symbol was the scriptures. “When I had a little girl age three and a
brand new baby,
I looked everywhere to find scriptures for children. I finally found a red Children’s Bible and
little Kristen would read it every day.
One day she found a page with a picture of Christ suffering on the
cross. Every day she would bring me the
page and ask me, “Mommy, why did Jesus die?”
“Why, Mommy did Jesus die?”
None of
my answers seemed to stop her from asking the same question.
One night in my nighttime prayer, I decided to ask Heavenly Father how
to answer Kristen’s question. An idea
came to my mind to look in 3 Nephi 27:14 , which I did. This verse explains that Jesus was lifted up
on the cross, so all mankind could be lifted up. “Jesus was lifted, so we could be
lifted.” The next day I explained this
to Kristen and she was satisfied.
A symbol of the scriptures and this story helps me understand that
Heavenly Father cares to answer questions of a three-year-old, and He cares to
answer mine. Closeness to the Savior and
His Father can be found in His holy words.”
Val: We had some more
plumbing problems with the food disposer and the pipes. Sunday, three liters of water emerged from under the kitchen sink onto to the
floor. Monday and Tuesday we had maintenance people come. They
tried cleaning and ultimately tried to duplicate the water coming out, without success....we have no clear
understanding of why it would leak on Sunday a
not on Tuesday. Hopefully it will stay dry. Update: No more leaks, so far!
couple came from Nicaragua to be sealed and had to leave their children home because
of lack of funds. The trip
consisted of 3 days journey and they spent more than they had expected. Some of
the workers and missionaries pooled some food and money to help them get back
Saturday the temple presidency called a meeting of the stake
presidents to come and discuss the temple, attendance and ways they can help
improve attendance and the number of workers. This is very good and
timely, because there seems to be a slowing in the last two weeks.
Laurene: A funny
story from Tuesday. I had to watch a very energetic four year old for
five hours while his parents prepared for the sealing of their family. We
were good for about the first three hours..then we were scrambling for ideas
(after making three toilet paper roll missionaries, playing "hide the lego," watching every movie we could find, I finally brought him early to the temple
to see if a walk would do my little friend good. He did not want to know
the English or Spanish word for walk or hold hands, and I nearly lost him in the
dark twice. Finally I got permission to bring him to the little comedor
or eating room, where I had an apple, his favorite food. Which he ate,
then my mangos and papaya, until he realized that there was a door, and what if
he tried to run out!) About this time, I was joined by my coordinator;
there are supposed to be two nursery people always, but my other helper needed
to leave. Sister Falluea manned the comedor entry until I cleaned up,
then we mounted the stairs to the second floor to await our invitation for
little Joel to unite with his parents.
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I don't bring cameras to the temple...but this is as close as I could find to match his smile ..only add 100% more anticipation a little fear, a lot of glee--and white clothes! |
Amazing, it
worked magic in an otherwise inconsolable child. He was quiet, like a
little boy with the contagious anticipation of a child waiting for someone to
find him in hide and seek for at least half an hour!
Hermana Aguilar spoke English, and was so loving and caring to share
her stories and enthusiasm. She went to the embassy to get her paperwork
ready for her mission. Three advisers awaited, two looking friendly, and
one with a scowl on his face. She was in the line behind the man with the
scowl. Oh no, she thought! And she began to pray. Two people
in front of her were turned down. When she approached the man, he began
to smile, and he gave her all the things that she needed to prepare to leave in
a few weeks.
P.S. This is Kristen, grown up...with Savanna, age one, who has conquered fear and as of this week is WALKING!
As I helped sisters do initiatory for family
and other names and wished I could be with my family and daughters during a big
upcoming gathering, it was hard to not fight back tears. So, I need to acknowledge that Heavenly
Father sent a little girl this week Wednesday from northern Honduras to get her
endowment. She happened to come when things were a little slower and I
was able to understand that she had received a call to Lago Salado--Salt
Lake Temple Square mission, where my brother David’s daughter Anna
from Washington
State received her call just before we received ours.
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This Hermana Aguilar (left) blessing Wednesday |
Val: The week ended on a great
note on Saturday. Our turn started at 12:10 and
I was asked to direct the first endowment session at 2PM. President
Ocampo asked that Laurene also take the session. During it, I
wondered, and Laurene realized that her family in Logan was doing an endowment
session with Becca Gee at exactly same time in the temple we were married in 20
years ago.
Laurene: The request was unusual. It was only during our anniversary week that
we had a few sessions together, but none since. Imagine the surprise,
when our president poked his head to make the request. It took me some time,
but as the doors closed and the session began, I realized in real time that we
were experiencing the very same thing that Becca and Steven's family, our
daughters and my mom 3,200 miles away had gathered to witness.

This was amazing, and I located the Spanish
version of 1 Nephi 1:20 to review some new vocabulary: "entraƱas
misericordias," or tender mercies. Both were such.
May your eyes this week be fixed to
notice similar goodness--to know that you are known, even in your extremities…
And may your days be blessed as you
mix with children of kings and queens, or missionaries in the making…
Love, Val and Laurene

Baby Evelyn has gained a
P.P. S. Happy Birthday to Jannette, Brianne, and